Food and Nutrition



At Juniors Journey, we understand the importance excellent nutrition plays in a child’s mental wellbeing and physical development, and in developing healthy attitudes towards the food.

We are passionate about instilling in all children the importance of maintaining a lifelong respectful relationship with food, with a particular focus on nutrition & sustainability. It is important children understand where food comes from and we use fresh produce from own vegetable gardens wherever possible.

Our centres provide a nutritionally designed and balanced menu daily to ensure very child gets the most out of their day. Locally sourced and in season produce wherever possible and support local farmers.

Our menu and curriculum is designed to
encourage children to:
  • Talk about different foods and their role in our health and wellbeing. This helps children understand about healthy choices
  • Provide a variety of types and colours of fresh vegetables and fruits that are in season
  • Eat mainly wholegrain cereal foods and breads
  • Drink plenty of water instead of sugary drinks like cordial, energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit drinks, vitamin waters and soft drink
  • Eat a healthy breakfast every day
  • Learn about how foods are grown and where they come from
  • Try new foods and recipes – help with cooking and preparing foods and drinks
  • Minimise distractions at mealtimes – make this an enjoyable group time
  • Wash their hands before eating or cooking
  • We also design cooking experiences with our children (particularly in the older rooms) to allow them to better understand what is involved with providing good nutritious food – and to allow them the sensory experience of interacting with food in its various states eg raw vs cooked, skinned vs peeled etc.